Reinvent Your Yoga Mat: Unleash Its Hidden Superpowers

Ever wondered what your yoga mat is truly capable of? 

The ancient yogis didn’t need mats, blocks, or designer water bottles—they practiced on earth, grass, and sheer determination. 

But here’s the twist: your trusty yoga mat isn’t just a rectangle for downward dogs. It’s a tool for creativity, play, and reinvention—if you dare to think outside the studio.

Your mat isn’t just a surface—it’s a playground. Here are activities that will reinvent it today

You Are The Yoga Mat

Have all the students stand on one side of the room facing you. Put some really cool music on and ask the students to follow the movements of the yoga mat with their body. They are the yoga mat! They are not doing what you are doing, but what the yoga mat is doing and it is open to their own interpretation.

It is a bit easier if you fold the yoga mat in two… Try:

  • Moving one shoulder by moving an upper edge of the mat

  • Waving the yoga mat

  • Jumping the mat up and down… or to the sides

  • Moving the feet by moving the lower edges of the mat quickly (you can hold the mat with your chin here too)

  • Twisting the yoga mat

  • Twisting and squatting

  • Folding the yoga mat

  • Crumpling the yoga mat

  • Shimming the shoulders

  • And infinitely more!

5 Minutes

Musical Yoga Mats

Put some fun music on for everyone to dance to. Whenever the music stops everyone needs to stand on a yoga mat in tree pose. If you don’t have your own yoga mat, you share!

Each time you start playing the music again, take away a couple of yoga mats.

A the game progresses and there are less and less yoga mats to stan on, more sharing is needed! Play until everyone is doing tree pose on one single yoga mat!

If everyone had loads of fun, play again with a different pose!

One of my favorites here is to play with a simple crossed legged sitting pose… Only one bum is allowed on the mat… So as the game progresses, everyone needs to sit one on top of the other – AWESOME!

5 Minutes

Yoga Limbo

Roll a yoga mat lengthwise and have two people holding the edges. Everyone lines up and dance and limbo their way under the rolled up yoga mat trying to keep their pose and not touching the yoga mat.

You can play the traditional limbo here of back banding while walking forward under the yoga mat or make it more yoga by passing under the yoga mat in yoga poses.

Do taller poses (such as Warrior, Airplane or Chair pose) when the mat is higher and lower and lower poses (such as Down Dog, Table, Frog, Cat Pose)… All the way to the ground (such as Snake, Locust, Boat Pose)… A you lower the yoga mat down.

5 Minutes

3 Yoga Mats

Place three yoga mats on the floor in a horizontal way with about two feet space between them:

Have everyone lined up on one side, and one at a time run and jump 3 jumps between the yoga mats, without touching the mats, to reach the other side.

Once everyone had a turn, space the yoga mats farther and play again.

Every round bring the yoga mats a bit more apart until even the most agile child can’t make it through without touching the mats. 

Repeat a couple of times.

5-10 Minutes

Yoga Mat Hopscotch

  1. Design a Hopscotch space with the yoga mats. Here is an example, but you can vary it as you wish:

  1. Throw a small beanbag or an animal plush toy or anything else you have (this is your marker) to land on mat one. It has to land inside the mat without touching the border or bouncing out. If you don't get it within the lines, you lose your turn and pass the stone to the next person. If you do get it, however, go on to the next step.

  2. Hop through the squares, skipping the one you have your marker on:

  • Do poses with two feet on the mat on yoga mats that are lengthwise

  • Do poses with one foot on the mat on yoga mats that are widthwise. You can’t have more than one foot on the ground at a time on those mats

Always keep your feet inside the appropriate mat; if you step on a line, hop on the wrong mat, or step out of the mat, you lose your turn.

  1. When you get to the last number, turn around (remaining on one foot) and hop your way back in reverse order. While you're on the mat right before the one with your marker, lean down (probably on one foot still!) and pick it up. Then, skip over that square and finish up.

  2. If you completed the course with your marker on square one (and without losing your turn), then throw your marker onto square two on your next turn. Your goal is to complete the course with the marker on each square. The first person to do this wins the game!

10 Minutes

Fantastic Poses To Do With The Yoga Mat

Magic Carpet Sit crossed legged at the edge of your yoga mat, hold the corners of the front of your mat and lift the edge of the mat just over your knees. Roll back and forth all while keeping your legs crossed and holding the edges of the mat.

Canoe Sit with your legs stretched out straight in front of you. Lift the side edges of the yoga mat with your hands to form the canoe. You can go down rapids by bending forward and enjoy a very turbulent ride!

Superman/Superwoman Start standing up while holding the yoga mat with one hand like a cape around your neck. Now lean forward into Warrior 3 or Airplane pose with one hand stretched forward to come into this Superman or Superwomen Pose!

Tablecloth In pairs or small groups, one partner comes into Crab Pose/Table Pose while the other places a yoga mat on them like a tablecloth. Using your imagination, set the table nicely with plates and cutlery and even candles. Sit in Chair Pose and enjoy the meal using your imaginary knife and fork… It can tickle the Table a bit!

Bust Standing, wrap the yoga mat around your legs and waist and with the top part of your body make different faces and hand gestures to imitate important people’s busts in a museum.

Tipi Tent Place the yoga mat across your bum and come into a Downward Facing Dog Pose to become a Tipi Tent!

Partner Poses with The Yoga Mat In groups of 2 or more, try different yoga poses while connected with the yoga mat… Trees, Warriors, Lunges, Dancers… Anything is possible!

Co-Create the class with the children and have each of them choose in their turn what kind of other poses we may be able to do using the yoga mat in a creative way.

Please also write back to me with your AWESOME suggestions!

15 Minutes

Yoga Mat Rollup Self-Massage

Have each child roll up a yoga mat tightly and lie down, facing up, on the rolled-up yoga mat rolling on the mat with their back or legs or bum to massage themselves by giving their full weight to the rolled-up yoga mat. 

This feels great and it helps to release the facia and the muscles.

5 Minutes

Caterpillar to Butterfly Relaxation

Lie down on the edge of the yoga mat perpendicular to it, hold the edge with one hand,  and roll yourself up into the yoga mat becoming a caterpillar.

Now close your eyes and imagine yourself being a caterpillar in a cocoon all snuggled up tight.

Using your imagination, let your caterpillar body slowly transfigurate into a beautiful butterfly… 

Start with your toes and feet and legs and see and feel them becoming the butterfly legs… 

Let your body slowly be transformed into a butterfly body, lean and strong… 

Let your head change gradually into a butterfly head and grow long and sensitive antennas… 

Let your eyes change into butterfly eyes and start to see the world more like a butterfly would…

Finally, let your arms transfigure into amazingly beautiful wings… You can’s see their full glory yet because they are still all curled in, but you can feel them shimmering and shivering with butterfly magic!

When you feel like you can’t hold this magic in anymore, start wriggling your new butterfly body inside your cocoon… Wriggle until you role all the way out of the cocoon still keeping your eyes closed.

When you have totally unwrapped yourself, let your wings open slowly… Eyes still closed… Enjoy the feeling of opening up again!

Use your imagination to see all of the amazingly beautiful sparkling colors of your fresh butterfly wings… Flap them gently and get use to them and the freedom that they can give you.

And only when you are ready slowly sit up all renewed and ready for a beautiful day.

5 Minutes



Want to learn how to share yoga and mindfulness with your children at home or with your students at school?

Join one of our Rainbow Kids Yoga Teacher Trainings today! Click here to sign up!



Thank you! Love the music that goes along with it….I will try this in my kids class this week! thank you!!!


This is amazing, thank you for sharing 💫

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Rainbow Yoga trained more than 30,000 Kids Yoga Teachers since 2007. We make yoga fun for children and young people of all age groups and for the whole family too! Our yoga consists of many poses and stretches that have different physical benefits for our health and well-being, breathing, relaxation, meditation and mindfulness exercises for our minds, and social interaction, playfulness, meaning, deep life lessons and fun for our spirit.

Thinking about the impact of all those amazing certified yoga teachers, educators, parents and therapists we have trained to teach yoga to children and yoga for teens; we are making a huge difference for the next generation bringing peace, love, kindness and resilience into their lives. Education departments, schools, health programs and individuals in many countries have adopted yoga as a form of exercise and a method to decrees stress and increase wellbeing. We are the biggest and most-loved kid’s yoga teacher training in the world and we are here tp provide you with everything you will need to teach successful, exciting, meaningful, engaging and fun yoga to children, teenagers and families.


Rainbow Kids Yoga offers the most comprehensive, practical, and engaging children yoga teacher training certification in the world! Our course will enable you to deliver children yoga classes that will connects your students to themselves, each other, and the environment. Through unique and engaging practices of mindfulness and yoga your students and community will be able to find connections, enhance well-being and thrive as grounded, integrated and well balanced individuals.

At our training, all while having fun, you will become a children yoga instructor through a lot of experiential practice, insightful theory, yoga poses and sequences, mindfulness practices and relaxation. You will learn how to build fun, engaging, and fitness-level-appropriate children yoga classes for all ages, from toddlers to teenagers. At our kid’s yoga teacher training you will find over 300 videos presenting how to make yoga poses accessible and fun! Believe it or not, yoga can be extremely boring for children and for adults too… In Rainbow Yoga, we make yoga in a fun so that children learn easily and want to do more of it. Yoga is so good for you, but for children to want to want to do yoga you will need to learn to spice it all up and this is what our kid’s yoga online teacher training is for!

This is the perfect resource for yoga teachers, parents, educators and therapists to find and discover hundreds of yoga poses, yoga games and mindfulness practices for children in a way that makes it is easy to learn and easy to enjoy.

Yoga poses for kids: Yoga encourages a positive and healthy lifestyle for the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of children as it helps in the development of strength, stamina, and endurance, high levels of positive energy, resilience, focus, self-awareness, and awareness of our environment.

Yoga for children empowers them with increased concentration, calm, peace, and contentment at a mental level leading to inner and outer peace and harmony. The Rainbow Kids Yoga Teacher Training includes a digital manual (a hard copy that can be purchased) as part of the course. This is specialized online yoga teacher training. Here we will focus on how to teach yoga to children and teens, and how to help them release stress, relax, stretch, energize – All in creative and fun ways while taking into consideration their unique needs, whether they are physical, social, mental, or emotional. 

You will learn to teach the youngest yogis and those with emotional and mental challenges techniques to assist them with impulse control and self-regulation. Our courses provide a platform and a foundation to promote the healthy development of the hearts, bodies, and minds of young individuals.

The Rainbow Kids Yoga Training is the largest and most well-regarded Kids Yoga Teacher Training in the world. Our graduates teach everywhere using our diploma including schools, kindergartens, daycare centers, early learning centers, Yoga studios, gyms, fitness centers, birthday parties, private and group classes and more.



Join our Yoga Revolution and become a kids’ yoga teacher today through our online yoga teacher training or in-person yoga certification courses. You will be left with a smile on your face, a wealth of knowledge and an ignited spirit to spread the love and joy of yoga.

For our online training, you can allow 24 hours to receive your access and for physical products such as the Rainbow Kids Yoga Book, you can allow 2-4 weeks to receive it by mail. The books are printed on demand before being shipped, but it is worth the wait 😊


Rainbow Yoga is a fun and constantly evolving family mission and lovingly born in 2007, to give people the tools to teach fun, engaging, and creative in=person and online yoga classes for kids, teens, families, partners, and communities. Rainbow Yoga is interactive and social and all about connection; we touch, hug, move, breathe and co-create together our yoga magically and playfully.

Rainbow Yoga offers a variety of unique and comprehensive teacher training certification courses all over the world offering a well-rounded, in-depth learning experience through a combination of play, practical theory, and fun.The Rainbow Yoga Teacher training is renowned for being captivating, dynamic, loving, and life changing. It is condensed with a lifetime of knowledge and hands-on experience from the Founders of Rainbow Yoga, Gopala, and Angel Yaffa. Delivered by world-class faculty around the world.